Azad Ashim Sharma

Azad Ashim Sharma

from Against the Frame

Hew wood 
            & draw water 
                        what you 
                                    told me
hew wood 
and draw water 
                                    but I was bourne, 
            bound of land & tilth
hew wood 
            n draw wa’er 
            send me down 
                                    to the hedgerow’d filth


The obliterated habitus 
            came quick to me
a necrotic metropolis 
                        convivial with sand.

Locution as reception
            didn’t feel right on the tongue
bastille boys with sunken eyes
                        held my face down on the deck.

AZAD ASHIM SHARMA is the director of the87press and author of Against the Frame (Barque, 2017 / Broken Sleep, 2022), Ergastulum (Broken Sleep, 2022) and the forthcoming Boiled Owls (Nightboat Books, 2023). He is a CHASE-funded PhD candidate at Birkbeck College.