Nina Reljić
inside reverse fold
you are brave to lie with them
for the first time, a sliver of naked.
fish taken by the current.
feeling for the bumps of bone
and checking for traps, like their body
is a forest floor that might give way.
you account for the knobble of an ankle,
crook of an elbow,
walking the length of one
index finger to the other, and asking do you like it
when I kiss you here, and here?
you leave breadcrumbs to find your way back.
wrapped around each other, you are amazed
by the ways a body will bend,
ten-fold, over and over
like how you make cranes
from paper.
NINA RELJIĆ is currently studying English Literature with Creative Writing at the University of Manchester. She has previously been published in The Tangerine and hopes to publish a collection of poems and short stories in the future.