Tim MacGabhann

Tim MacGabhann


I miss the pre-arrival feeling
of car-wheels, curves of mountain-road,
town’s glitter-dots through mist,
each yellow speck a boat nearing port,
and warm arms spread to meet
the hiss of the bus-doors.

But the meteors really gleam here —
atom-light million-year-old tonnages,
matter clarified by heat and speed
into long, combed streams of light.

I’ve had no post in months
and I bump downhill,
one arm loaded with firewood,
the other reaching for fogged-out trees
whose trunks are rungs
for a ladder of smoke.

TIM MACGABHANN is an Irish writer living in Mexico. His novels, Call Him Mine and How to Be Nowhere, are published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Other work appears in The Stinging Fly, the Dublin Review, and Poetry Ireland Review.