Arji Manuelpillai
nominated for a BAME prize
it’s always in capitals
like someone is shouting it
like the bus beeping
to let the disabled ramp down
I’m at an award ceremony
there’s BAME waitresses
toilet attendants, caterers
and us, like the lead parts
in ‘Coming to America’
sari, shalwar, hijab, turban
so many BAME outfits
I feel almost unBAME
in my M&S shirt and trousers
I am stuffed, for photos
with canapés, meat on stick
marvelling at the ceiling
tomorrow when I meet my family
I shall tell them I was loved
revered by many
I will say I drank responsibly
ARJI MANUELPILLAI is a poet, person and Jerwood Arvon Mentee. His new pamphlet Mutton Rolls is available from Outspoken Press and he would be so happy if you went and bought it.