Ella Frears

Ella Frears

Unknown Error

Lately I’ve        been           UNKNOWN          becoming             mulch
    author-less           my                               self-driving body      soft
& lamblike     can do no         ERROR                 long in the       teething
on your upper      thigh                               desert server      whirr-
ing your        name              UNKNOWN          water     stretched   thin
across           the lid of the                           pool          this search
        coming-up                        ERROR              3 dots    red underline  thou
hast seen
         nothing                                       engorged sun
             your face                  UNKNOWN       glinting off my     breast-
plate              but why                                             am I             wet did it
rain                    night                ERROR                arrow          to the
pistol to the     &     beauty                         shot into both           so
tired  Sancho    the great    UNKNOWN                         that’s what

ELLA FREARS is a poet and visual artist based in London. She’s had work in the LRB, Ambit and Poetry London. Her first collection is Shine, Darling (Offord Road Books 2020).