Jo Morris Dixon

Jo Morris Dixon

it feels like I’m trapped in a Chekhov play

[she sits on an armchair in the living room
the sun is shining in an inconvenient way]

my sister has been diagnosed with bone cancer

[the cat called Lulu is staring through the window
her owner has just put their house on the market] 

my sister’s tumour has successfully been removed

[she pulls the wooden coffee table closer with both feet
but nearly causes the remote control to fall to the floor] 

my sister’s tumour might have been growing for years

[she looks up at the light bulb which must be replaced
but she has an irrational fear of being electrocuted] 

my sister had surgeons operate on her for six hours

JO MORRIS DIXON’s poetry has been published in Oxford PoetryThe Poetry ReviewPoetry WalesAmbit and The Signal House EditionI told you everything is her debut pamphlet, out now with Verve Poetry Press.