Keith Jarrett
London Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom
The fear of the Lord will keep you
will keep you shut up
The fear of the Lord will keep you shut up in your home at night
for fear of the people of Sodom
(if I find even fifty righteous, even ten…)
The fear of the Lord who turns fleeting compassion to columns of salt
The fear of the Lord who beats belts into spatulas
who never code switches
who crosses continents with a curtain rod
The fear of the Lord and the silent shadow of English overlords
inside this fear, inside this Lord
The fear of the Lord hardening like hot oil hardens dumplings
My grandmother as hot oil anointing her offspring
My grandfather as silent as a well-worn slipper
who locks and opens doors
his children of smoke choking and invisible
This knot of fear cordoning off whole neighbourhoods in this city
with unseen thread
my chest tightens every time
the Eastbound train jolts closer.
This fear of the Lord will be passed down to your children
and yea, even unto your children’s children, Amen.
KEITH JARRETT is a writer, educator and international slam champion. Since publishing his collection, Selah, his poetry, fiction and essays have been widely anthologised. He completed his PhD at Birkbeck, where he was awarded the Bloomsbury Studentship. Keith teaches at NYU London.