lisa luxx

lisa luxx

i was sleeping while she was letting him inside

       i dream of my mum crying
at the dinner table while my sister watches
Snapchat      a mound of salt where i usually sit
i dream of Leila pregnant by a man named Steve
or Tony      not me      i bump into them in Ashrafieh
       him grunting me panting her glowing
i dream of a high school boy      who tried to plug 
his stretched earlobe with a huge fake diamond stud
after his mum said emo wasn’t man enough
       after scooter license hand-job in the top field i told
       him sure diamond studs are super manly
             i dream i’m sleeping      i dream of
loving her so good that when i am within her
       fallen flowerheads rise      my blue sky      leaving
             her pregnant with our child

LISA LUXX is a queer poet, essayist and activist of British and Syrian heritage. Her fourth chapbook Trust Your Outrage is out now. Her debut poetry collection Fetch Your Mother’s Heart is released by Out-Spoken Press in May 2021.