Mayowa Oyewale

Mayowa Oyewale

Fuck / Conrad

after Inua Ellams 


Of heads hanging on stakes / under Kurtz’s windows / I did not at first give a fuck / Until they became Black & / like me / assumed dark / dilated / nostrils


O / & how you denied the dusty nigger & / the whipped nigger / & all those quarrelsome bands of footsore sulky niggers / a name / but instead / made them run off on all fours / towards some river to drink / got me shitty insane


Canonical Con / Colonizer Con / dammit if your God didn’t / model a mistake / by shipping light / into calm darkness / in the very beginning

MAYOWA OYEWALE writes poetry from Ile-Ife, Nigeria. His poetry has appeared and/or is forthcoming in: Gutter Magazine, California Quarterly, The Shore Poetry, The Cardiff Review, etc. He is a poetry reader at Chestnut Review.